Color photographs from the film, including a seascape with blue sky and sea, whitecaps and a Puerto Rican flag flying, and a photo of Eugene Smotkin, dressed in a tan short sleeved shirt and grey pants, standing with a cane infront of a mural of the PR flag. Images courtesy of the flimmaker.
Northeastern University & Mills Performing Arts Present
Powering Puerto Rico — Bridging Perspectives Film Series

Thursday, September 5
7:00 PM
Jeannik Méquet Littlefield Concert Hall

Photographs of the performers - Myra Melford in black and white seated at a piano keyboard, back to the camera; Zeena Parkins dressed in a white jump suit viewed through the strings of a harp; William Winant playing timpani in a museum atrium. Images are overlaid on a color photograph of the mural in the Littlefied Concert hall by Ray Boynton. Performer images courtesy of the artists.
Center for Contemporary Music Presents
Myra Melford, Zeena Parkins, William Winant

Mills Music Now 
Originally broadcast on October 29, 2022

A color photograph of Laetitia Sonami, dressed in a dark suit coat and dark shirt, playing a built electronic musical instrument consisting of a standing metal circle with three wires crossing the center opening. Photo by Robbie Sweeny.
Center for Contemporary Music Presents
Laetitia Sonami, with SUE-C, Paul DeMarinis, and James Fei

Mills Music Now
Originally broadcast on February 4, 2023

An improvisational ensemble of including keyboards, harp, violin, cello, drum set, saxophone are arrayed across a stage for a Mills Music Now concert in Oakland, California. Photo by Robbie Sweeny.
Mills Music Now

From improvisation to world music to experimental sound art, this concert series pushes the boundaries of music as we know it.

An Oakland author speaks to an audience.
We Are the Voices

The We Are the Voices We Have Been Waiting For project connects Mills students with artists to collaborate around art and scholarship.

A color photograph of the Newton monument in Oakland CA featuring a sculted bust featuring a broad, muscled back and shoulders and the back of a head wearing short cropped hair, the scultpure is adorned with white flowers. Image courtesy of the filmmaker.
Bridging Perspectives Film Series

A transformative three-part film series that delves into pressing social issues of our time: climate change, racial and gender justice.

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